You can learn how to make this banana by watching this video by MarloomZCreations:
19 thoughts on “How to Make a Peanut Butter Jelly Time Banana”
#Loomer01 says:
What is peanut butter jelly time.
Hermione Granger says:
No idea XD
loomeyloom lom says:
It’s a song.
Kate says:
I’ve now got earworm! I can’t wait to make him!
The Next Step says:
Wow! This design rocks! I have made one and my banana is so cute! Thanks Loom Love!
Ekklesia says:
So cute!
Joker says:
OMG!!!!!! I absolutely love peanut butter jelly time!!! SOOO funny!!!!!!! Nice charm but why do yours always look so so so different to the ones in the tutorial?????
glimmer says:
Weird, but funny
Lynn says:
What is this supposed to be? Peanut butter jelly time?
Emma says:
peanut butter jelly time is a song, and the banana is the one singing it
Lynn says:
Alyssa says:
What does a banana have to do with peanut butter jelly 😛
buddypallady says:
Sometimes people eat peanut butter banana sandwiches.
Alyssa says:
Mine turned out ugly. 🙁 If u don’t have pony beads then dont make this!
Cohen says:
So you use pony beads? Can you make a sub?
charlotte says:
i LOVE penut butter jelly time
can you do the mr men
loomlauren says:
you forgot the mouth
Cohen says:
Mine still didn’t work.
HorseLover says:
Ummm….. Shouldn’t a peanut butter jelly sandwich singing this song?
What is peanut butter jelly time.
No idea XD
It’s a song.
I’ve now got earworm! I can’t wait to make him!
Wow! This design rocks! I have made one and my banana is so cute! Thanks Loom Love!
So cute!
OMG!!!!!! I absolutely love peanut butter jelly time!!! SOOO funny!!!!!!! Nice charm but why do yours always look so so so different to the ones in the tutorial?????
Weird, but funny
What is this supposed to be? Peanut butter jelly time?
peanut butter jelly time is a song, and the banana is the one singing it
What does a banana have to do with peanut butter jelly 😛
Sometimes people eat peanut butter banana sandwiches.
Mine turned out ugly. 🙁 If u don’t have pony beads then dont make this!
So you use pony beads? Can you make a sub?
i LOVE penut butter jelly time
can you do the mr men
you forgot the mouth
Mine still didn’t work.
Ummm….. Shouldn’t a peanut butter jelly sandwich singing this song?