We’ve made dozens of Rainbow Loom Bracelet designs and the newly discovered Inverted Fishtail is definitely on our top ten list of fave designs!
Whenever we wear an Inverted Fishtail bracelet, someone always remarks on how cool it looks. We plan on making heaps of these for Christmas.
Want to make your own Inverted Fishtail? Use this video by:
I made that without the loom!!!!!
it is easy why is it rated challenging?
I don’t know. I LOVE this website though! I just wish I had more looms so I could make some of the really awesome stuff like Star of Wonder and Bomarange and Moxie that kind of bracelts.
I’m seriously in love with this site…No wonder it’s called Loom???? Love????…. I’m jus’ waitin’ for more Awesome stuff……
I don’t know! I found it easy too but its rated challenging?!
Some of the easy ones i cant do this one i could
Me too I don’t know why either..
I love this website! I keep going here constantly to see your new tutorials! You guys rock!
Hi Natalie.. Thanks so much for your comment! So glad you like the site!:)
i LOVE IT TOO! I check it out everyday! Awesome tutorials for bracelets and charms.
lol you took the words right out of my mouth!!!! Love you guys!!!
I am still on my loombut it looks good I fond this website just now
I just wish there were more braclets that don’t include looping I screw up at all the looping parts
I love this bracelet they said it’s ‘challenging’ but it’s easy I am a beginner and I have mastered this at my first attempt!!! Bracelet is quirky and awesome to
Hey I wish I could make those but I did start my own bizsunse sorry I don’t know how to spell that good but anyways its called Maddie’s rainbow jelerey!!! I make fish tails regular and necklaces!! Send me message and maybe I’ll make one!
This site rocks! I have the Rainbow Loom and was kind of getting bored using the book for a while. I found this website and now I can’t get off it! Keep posting awesome tutorials!
My mum told me that my cosen comes on this website so I gave it a try this is my first day on here
I love your website it is so amazing . Do you post a new bracelet every day?i hav ea rainbow loom and you made it very fun to make looms.
Pingback: Inverted Fishtail (Holiday Style!)
i failed twice!!!!!
You can also make it with the mini loom! Thank you for the idea!
Great tutorial! I love this website so much; I just stumbled upon it last week, and now I visit daily to try new bracelets. I just finished my Inverted Fishtail, and it looks great! I did it with black, neon yellow, and neon pink. Thank you guys so much, keep up the good work!
I’m also trying it on my fingers, it doesn’t look to be much different.
won’t that hurt your fingers??
Best tutorial ever! I love doing the inverted fishtail. It is so pretty and easy!
I cant keep off of this amazing website! Please keep making new tutorials, I love trying something new every day with my loom.
You are really talented and helpful.
I love it I finally know how to make a inverted fishtail this is the only site that was clear about it
I love this site it is very helpful. I have learned alot from loom love. Thank you guys so much.
this is so cool make 10 of them already:)
i think that it should be easy
yah gurl
This bracelet is probably my favorite bracelet! It is super pretty and all of my friends LOVE it! But is it just me that whenever pink or yellow bands mix, I just want to make some kind of fishtail design?
This design is so cool! I’ve been wanting to make this since I got the loom (Christmas 2013) and now I know how. Thank you loom love!
good job explaining it, but next time you make a video videotape it so we get a good view of it thanks the bracelet!
u tell um!!!
I LOVE this bracelet! It almost looks like a friendship bracelet (the kind made out of string. Technically, you could use Rainbow Loom bracelets as friendship bracelets). It looks great in lots of different color combinations. Is this a different video than you originally had? I remember once thinking that it was difficult to follow, but maybe I’m just a better loomer now.
I made this on the Cra-Z-Loom
Really easy and cool.
Can you make a new braclet everyday
this is real pretty but confusing
Simple if you get the hang of it. You’ll get it soon
All my friends have loom and I thaught “Wow I really like these bracelets and stuff” So I went to find loom bands and bought two packs and I have already used them both!!I need like two packets every day.Please keep posting tutorials because I’m hopeless!Xxx ~ Catherine
I LOVE this bracelet! But it’s so easy, it should be in the Easy section.
why is this rated challenging? it is so simple a ten year old i know makes 5 an hour of these and she’s TEN! why is this rated challenging?
I love this design I am always trying out your loom tutorials you are amazing at loom bracelets?
like the bracelet it’s cool
It’s soo easy. Why place on Challenging Archives? LoomLove, Is it hard for you? For me, It’s a piece of cake. So, WHY is it rated Challenging? So the beginners will not see this? All Loomers WANTS a beautiful loom bracelet. Not only Advanced Loomers. C’mon, LoomLove. Think! -.-”
This is much simpler if you do it on your fingers!
I really love this website! I always visit this everyday to check out new things and new stuffs and new designs of the bracelets. I simply love it!
I’ve made some of the bracelets because of you’re tutorials.
Great tutorial. You should also have printable instructions and on average how many bands it takes up. that would make you website AMAZING
I’ve just made a rainbow one of these, ITS AMAZING!
I love this website! I come here every day and find the most AWESOME designs. I love this bracelet too, I made one thats red, orange, and yellow. ( Sunset colors!)
I love this bracelet, I now get the difference between normal fishtail and inverted one. . . Love this site, I’m on it everyday, I don’t really comment because, I’m busy making all these wonderful bracelets!! I making this one right now. . .
I love this website look on it every day and I can’t keep my eyes off it so keep posting great tutorials
Hey! Made it without the loom but I dont know how to lock it!
Hoo saya love this websites its cool
I made a fishtail ’cause I couldn’t hear her XD
Why is this challenging? I made this right after I learned fishtail
This video totally helped me out! The last video I watched “how to make an inverted vish-tail” was so confusing thanks Loom Love!
I love this one very very very MUCH
This website is amazing I don’t know why inverted fishtail is marked as hard even though it is not. Awesome.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I LOVE this bracelet!!!
I can’t believe how many fishtail variations there are!!
This bracelet has a really cool pattern! This website is really awsome. Keep it up! I have a random question. Can you make a lot more bracelets on the Rainbow Loom or Loominator?
~Melena Barron
Look you guys go way too fast not that it’s hard to do or anything but I can never keep up
i love my monster tail
i love rubberbands
Thats cool! And it looks easy@ I want to try this!
U don’t even need a loomir hook or anything for this…just your fingers!!!! I wonder why its rated challenging?????
i love loom bands i also know how o make loom bands
i love loom bands