We love it when we stumble on new designs that really stand out! Take the Dainty Twist by Loves2Loom, for instance. This unique bracelet design is two sided and pretty darn cute, don’t you think?
Want to make your own Dainty Twist? Watch this video:
So pretty! When I first saw it I thought it was a mini snake belly bracelet! 🙂
I don’t have a Facebook yet but when I do I am so going to like you guys and subscribe on YouTube when I have one.I love your guys’ bracelets keep it up!!!
Nice! I like it….
I absolutely love this bracelet keep up the good work loomlove 🙂
Mega Loomer
COOL bracelet! <3 it. Just some suggestions for tutorials on your website…
Monstrosity bracelet (Monster Tail version AND Rainbow Loom) – Claire's Wears
Zig Zag Fishtail- Justin's Toys
Mystique bracelet (Monster Tail) – Tutorialsbya
Graceful Lace bracelet- Claire's Wears
Anchored Lace bracelet- OfficiallyLoomed
Frays For Days bracelet- SoCraftastic
…and for some SUPER CHALLENGING dragon & animal designs check out Cortney Nicole's channel on Youtube!! They are all awesome. Bye! 🙂
Oh I forgot the Frays for days bracelet is on Monster Tail.
I love this design!
Also, has anyone else seen the new RL Persian bands?! I ordered some and they are awesome!!!!! (They are under the “Online Only” category.)
Omggggg they are so pretty when I get back to London, that’s where I live (I’m on holiday) I am ordering all the Persian bands, Sweets bands, Medieval bands, electric bands, tie-dye and some other colours 😀
I LOVE THIS WEBSITE you guys have the rainbow loom award why haven’t you displayed it i just became a member of rainbow loom I can’t wait for electric glow bands. If you want to be a member go to rainbowloom.com and go to the member zone it is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS
Yah i know right!
Wow! This bracelet is unique 🙂
Love this band going to try it very shortly
i followed you video but the bracelet did not turn out the way yours did!
Yah me too i dont know why but the only problem that happened in mine the loom bands didnt pop out like in the picture they were like really small and hidden
To make sure they pop out make sure your doing a triple cap band.. and also using a good quality band.. you dont want to use bands that are SUPER stretchy.. regular rainbow loom opaque banda work great!!!
This bracelet is so pretty! I used the same colors you used and it looks so cute! And where did you get your top? It is cute! I am one of those girls who loves turquoise!
This is soooo pretty!
again with the designs i made almost right before you post them!
This design is easy to make and the instructions are really clear thank you loom love!!!??????????????
I had to make this one! Its awesome! LoveLoom I think I may have created a new rainbow loom bracelet but I don’t know.:)
I love bracelets! I want to live my whole life with them! And I’m a boy!!!
I am a beginner and I must say this was a simple one to make. Love it! Thank You
This was nothing like it was shown. The only thing I can think of that I might have done wrong was do a double instead of a triple capping band. But overall, the look wasn’t what I Expected however, I like my look better. It was thicker and more sturdy looking almost like a python
I just made one with your video (easy to understand even for french people like me).
I succeed but at the end i cut one of the first band, the others ones fell down too. It up with a Dainty Twist with a single row instead of two. The result is still good.
Thanks a lot !
Mine worked perfectly. The trick is to push the two colours in the middle of the bracelet up when it has been loomed so they pop out more like the picture…
This is such a cute bracelet!
HI loom love this one is sooooooooooooo my favorite one and ive read the
LOOMLOVES EPIC RAINBOW LOOM GIVEAWAY one way to enter is to post a comment and so im doing that so i want to enter beacause i am a HUGE FAN and i love rainbow loom ( plus i dont have rafflecopter or facebook or a youtube account) please reply so i can enter!!!!!!!! YAY!
You don’t need a facebook or youtube account to enter. If you leave a comment here though, you have to go into the rafflecopter widget in this post and confirm that you left a comment. It requires your name and email address to confirm you entered. Rafflecopter is used to pick a winner randomly. Good luck!
I just bought rainbow loom, it’s better than crazy loom. Btw, it is totally possible to make frays for days on rainbow loom. Wanna bet? Watch frays for days on rainbow loom to learn!
And, love your video! Should post more. Helped me learn new styles!
Wow made this in pink white and purple looks Beautifull
Hey I it with those colours, too! TWINZIES!!!
OMG I made this beaut of a bracelet and nearly fainted when I wore it because it was so pretty!
LoomLove this is really awesome! BTW LoomLove I have a question: I’m farely new,and I was wondering if you could maybe add some easier ones?!?!?!?!?
PLEASE REPLY ASAP!!!!!!!!! thanks LoomLove!