Loomey Time Watches

loomey time watchNow you can sport fabulous Rainbow Loom designs and know what time it is!

Loomey Time Watches give you the ability to design your own Rainbow Loom watch bands.

loomey time watchesKeep in mind that not all bracelet designs will work. We had success with the Starburst, Cube and Warrior patterns, as shown in the photos.

We gave one to our friend for her birthday and she loved it!

Watches are $8.49 and come in a variety of colours. You can purchase them here.

loomey time warrior watch


loomey time starburst watch


48 thoughts on “Loomey Time Watches

    • Ellie'sIdeas says:

      Wow!! These rainbow loom bracelets are so awesome! Not only these ones, but all of them! But how can you not break the loom when removing it? I sometimes must remove the loom in some of your videos, LoomLove. I broke my loom and I said to myself, “Maybe it’s better to not make bracelets again when we must remove the loom.” I thought it’s a good idea, and it is. I bought a new loom, and I made a few bracelets and one day, I broke the loom again!! But I still can fix my loom, right? Maybe stick it together with an all-purpose glue? My Mom said that I can’t buy more looms because it’s too “expensive”, so what should I do??? At first I made rainbow loom bracelets because I want some new ideas and just sharing rainbow loom bracelets with my friends. Until now, I still want to make rainbow loom bracelets. I can’t buy a loom, and, and … what should I do??! Please, give me an advice!! And, one more, can you make new rainbow loom bracelets? I want ideas to make my own rainbow loom bracelets. Thanks, LoomLove!

      Ellie Pepper (Ellie’sIdeas)

  1. Jill says:

    Hey, quick suggestion: Now that youve posted more bracelets and charms, a search bar would be helpful so you can find the bracelet your looking for without having to look through all the pages. You guys are doing great!! I cant’t wait to see what you post next!!

  2. Sofie says:

    Could you guys show how to modify the pattern so that it works with the watch? Also, are there anymore pattrns that could be made with the watch?

  3. daughter of hecate says:

    Am I the only one in this world whose read all of the percy jackson books, the whole harry potter series, the hobbit, the lord of the rings, the heroes of olympus, and likes basketball, tennis, soccer, italian food, spicy things, ramen noodles, hot pockets, chimichangas, cuties (the oranges) regular show, minecraft, flappy bird, t-shirts, basketball shorts, horses,rainbow loom, jamies world, is a middle schooler, the colors green, black, blue, and white, and is a lds girl who is a future billionaire that will go to BYU hawaii, then to Utah, then to canada, then to new zealand, and then finish my life off in london.

    • LoomLove says:

      Hi Daughter of Hecate… Emily from LoomLove here. I’ve also read all the Percy Jackson books, the whole Harry Potter Series, Heroes of Olympus and love Rainbow Loom, Minecraft and Flappy bird. My favorite colour is blue. When it comes to food, I prefer Pan Fried Dumplings, Wonton Soup and Spring Rolls. I have plans to travel to Denmark, Greece, and France. So, I guess we have lots in common!

      • Alexi@@@@@@ says:

        Hi daughter of Hecate I like basketball, tennis and soccer. I ?? Spicy things. I like chimichangas, Italian food and cuties (the oranges). I used to loved minecraft but my rainbow loom distracted me LOL. I play flappy bird, I like t-shirts, horses and I love rainbow loom. I like the green and the blue and when I grow up I am going to be a billionaire and travel around the world 🙂 we have lots of common. IM TEN YEARS OLD

    • Twister says:

      If you are the on,y person in the world who likes all those things, you are unique. But I like blue and basketball, and Rainbow Loom, and I used to like horses. I also like Italian food and spicy things, and I would love to go to Hawaii and London! And what’s flappy bird? PS, do you like the game of Twister?

      • Alexi@@@@@@ says:

        I love the twister it was my favorite game I used to played it with all my family (also with my grandma) but then I discover Minecraft and it distracted me LOL but then I discover rainbow loom LOL:)

      • Hermione Granger says:

        I don’t want to travel to London because I live there, lol 😉
        The weather is VERY bad 🙁

    • love rainbow loom says:

      hey daughter of hecate. i love pjo, hoo, rainbow loom and regular show too!
      (im a daughter of aphrodite)

  4. chelsea says:

    Hi there I’m actually new at this looming and I just moved and everyone at my new school has loom bracelets and I wanna to be a loomer as well so do you have any ideas for beginners like me

    • Twister says:

      Go to the top of the Loom Love website and then click Rainbow Loom Tutorials, and then click Beginner. You can also look for Single or Fishtail bracelets. Triple Singles are also fairly easy.

  5. Kailey Davis says:

    This is so cute! I noticed the tag to buy the watches. I’ll pay with my allowance. BTW, will you post a tutorial or a website link, that would be helpful. Thanks!
    P.S, where do you get you glitter bands?

  6. Soleil says:

    I’m so going to get this and wear it to school. They don’t allow these bracelets, but they allow watches 😉

  7. ### says:

    I have a Loomey time watch but I don’t know how to use it I enter to loomeytime website but I don’t understand the videos

  8. pink girl says:

    meow love these watches I will ask my mom If I can get one of the watches right now

  9. Kayie says:

    Dear Loomlove,
    I just got the Loomey Time watch and it is cute and stylish! ???????? One thing I am concerned about is how does the time work? Like the long and short hand does not move. You can move them but it does not move by themselves after it stays on one place only ???? please help! Does it really don’t move or mine is just broken?

  10. Hermione Granger says:

    The purple one is so pretty!! They all are 😀
    How much do they cost in pounds (£)?

  11. Kate & Alison says:

    We have a set of watches (which aren’t Loomey time watches, you do get loom band watch kits in England) and we are going to use them for a 3d clock designed by Elegant fashion 360. You should have a go at making them.

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